
October 19, 2008

On the previous post, you can see the ideas from some of the members of the group (in which by the end of the semester, all members are expected to contribute at least 1 creative idea). Other than that, we also have a big project we would like to call:


We got the inspiration for this project from our friend over at Para Lelaki Jalang

While the guys over at PLJ going to record moment with video, we’re going to record the moment with our camera. Because we think that if we capture the moment, the picture will speak louder than words. We expect people who see the picture will be able to tell the story behind each pictures.

7 out of 9 members on the group are photograph entusiast. Armed with a camera, the pictures will record moment from SBM 2009 last year in SBM ITB. The pictures will be posted on Flickr as a portfolio.

So, if you see a member of the group with a camera and snapping photos, don’t be afraid. We’re just immortalizing moment.


This post will only cover the most basic differences of Stanford University in America and SBM ITB in Indonesia.


We all know that geographical differences will definitely give a very big difference between these two universities. In America, the culture is more diverse and relatively free. Free as in free to speak your mind, free to have a freedom of choice and so on. America is also more open. Open in a way that the people are more accepting in almost everything, unlike people in Indonesia.

In Indonesia, freedom is not that “free”. Which means, sometimes freedom is something that is not easy to be accepted by society. Indonesian tend to be more introverted. Indonesia is also not that “open”. Open in a way that the society is not easy to give out information to strangers in general. Most of Indonesians are shy and relatively quiet when it comes to someone new.


Stanford are more daring in using teaching method. They always push and strive to be better year by year. They use a lot of method to push the creativity of their student even further than ever, such as team dynamics, guest lecture, and so on. They also rely a lot on the Internet, because the Internet can also provide a lot of information that supports the teaching process.

SBM ITB is not that different. SBM also starting to rely more on the internet, even though paperworks are still common. But, SBM are still a bit behind Stanford, because SBM is still young and need to improve more and more to become the best.


we should be proud that we have a business school like SBM in Indonesia. Because, SBM is one of the pioneer of Business schools in Indonesia and still considered one of the best. SBM and Stanford is 11-12 to one another. The only differences is SBM is still making it’s baby steps, while Stanford is already an Adult.

So it’s just a matter of time people!

Wig Permanen

October 19, 2008

Tidak jauh berbeda dengan sistem hair extension namun dalam persedian wig yang ada yang dapat kita pilih langsung dapat menyatu langsung dengan kepala pelanggan yang bersangkutan.

Sangat mudah kita dapat membayangkan wajah kita dengan gaya rambut yang baru melalui komputer dan setelah sang pelanggan merasa cocok dengan gaya rambut tersebut, maka rambut tersbut akan langsung diproduksi/cetak melalui mesin yang telah didesain sedemikian rupa dan setelah itu akan langsung dipakaikan ke pelanggan bersangkutan, rambut tersebut tersedia dalam pilihan bahan rambut asli maupun sintetik.

Sangat cocok bagi mereka yang sibuk namun tetap memerlukan penampilan menarik, karena sangat praktis dan mudah diubah serta tidak memakan banyak waktu.


Original concept by: Gabriel Malona

Topi Jas Hujan

October 19, 2008

Topi yang seperti biasa tetapi memiliki jas hujan di sekelilingnya. Kehebatan dari topi ini ialah menggunakan jas hujan menjadi praktis karena dapat di guliung keatas bagian dari topi ini. Di setiap ujung jas hujan terdapat kancing-kancing yang dapat di satukan untuk melindungi bagian depan dari pengguna. agar tidak kebasahan.

Menggunakan topi jas hujan adalah bentuk dari penggabungan fashion dengan kebutuhan akan seringnya hujan merusak gaya kita. Tetap trendy dengan TOPI JAS HUJAN.


Original concept by: Rafdy Hifdhurrahman

Rambu Elektronik System

October 19, 2008

jadi semua rambu menggunakan sistem digital, yang diintegrasi oleh suatu sistem komputer, sehingga semua rambu bisa diganti sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan mampu memberikan informasi yg diutuhkan oleh para pengguna jalan. Sebagai contoh: jalan yang tadinya padat lalu menjadi lancar, maka rambunya menyesuaikan dan memberikan informasi yg dibutuhkan, sehingga mampu menjadikan sebuah jalan raya lebih efektif dan efisien, dan memberitahu pengguna tentang jalan alternatif lain yang bisa dipilih.

Data dalam board sign, jumah mobil per menit, data jumlah mobil per menit pada rambu-rambu terdekat (kira2 4-6 data), dan rambu dari board (apabila ada).

Untuk mengetahui jumah mobil: sensor pada jalan raya

Dan pada komputer tempat mengontrol semuanya terdapat semua data yg bisa dikontrol secara manual (pada saat-saat yg tingkat kepadatan kendaraan bermotornya susah untuk diprediksi oleh komputer, seperti hari libur nasional, idul fitri, tahun baru, dll), maupun secara otomatis.

Dan membuat serta layanan pelanggan, yg tidak saja bisa diakses melalui internet, tapi mampu memberikan keakuratan yg tinggi melalui akses telepon dan sms.


Original concept by: Mohamad Danial


October 7, 2008

This is the beginning

we’re about to embark on an adventure of a human creative mind

stay tuned